Happy Halloween! Let’s draw Frankenstein!!

Happy Halloween! Let’s draw Frankenstein!!

Happy Halloween kids!

Let’s draw the Frankenstein monster! He is a friendly guy, even though he looks a little weird. Dr. Frankenstein put him together from spare parts. His brain was dropped into his skull and then the top of his head sewn on! Eeeeewwww!

But he’s just a storybook character, so we can have fun being scared and grossed out. Frankenstein won’t mind. By the way, he likes flowers and he doesn’t know how to talk. How would he tell you what he wants to say without words? Any ideas?

Follow the steps below to draw Frankenstein. You might want to add his body and maybe the castle where Dr. Frankenstein put him together. Have fun!!

step-by-step how to draw a cute and friendly Frankenstein monster for kids

how to draw a Frankenstein monster


Let’s Draw a Pumpkin!

Let’s Draw a Pumpkin!

Pumpkins grow big in the fall, and that’s why we see them at Halloween and Thanksgiving. Pumpkins are good to eat! We all like pumpkin pie, and pumpkin seeds are great to munch, too!

It’s easy to draw a pumpkin by following the steps below. Your pumpkin can be tall or short, or have a smiley face! Where is your pumpkin? Is it in a pumpkin patch in a garden? Are there flowers in the garden too? Or maybe your pumpkin is in a house, or sitting on a front porch. There might be trees in the yard with autumn leaves of red, brown, orange, and yellow.

Have fun making your pumpkin picture!


step by step instructions to draw a pumpkin for children

how to draw a pumpkin

Draw Spiders and Skulls!

Draw Spiders and Skulls!

Halloween is the best time to draw spiders and skulls! With just a few simple shapes and lines, you can make creepy, crawly Halloween drawings.

Follow the easy steps below and have great, ghoulish, ghostly time!

Happy Halloween!



how to draw a spider and skull with easy steps for children

how to draw a Halloween spider and skull



Draw a Vampire Bat!

Draw a Vampire Bat!

It’s time to bring out the bats because Halloween is coming! Trick or treat, dressing up in costumes, eating candy eyeballs, and drawing your favorite Halloween characters are all part of the fun.

Follow the easy steps below to create your very own vampire bat, complete with vampire teeth!

Happy Halloween!


easy how to draw a bat for kids

how to draw a bat