Kitties, Fish, and Bees, if You Please!

Kitties, Fish, and Bees, if You Please!

You can draw a pretty kitty, a swishy fishie, and a bumbly bee starting with one simple shape: an oval!

An oval is like a circle, but it is not as round. It is a bit squished, one might say. What do you say, Peewees?

Try drawing the oval shape below, first. Practice it a few times, but it does not have to be perfect. Then, starting with an oval, draw the bee, the kitty, and the fish!


steps to draw a kitty, fish, and bee with an oval for children

how to draw kitty, fish, bee

Draw an Eye, a Leaf, and More Cool Stuff with this Easy Shape!

Draw an Eye, a Leaf, and More Cool Stuff with this Easy Shape!

Hey Peewees! Have you ever wondered how to draw a really cool eye? Well, I’m going to show you how in 5 easy steps.

Let’s begin by practicing drawing a great shape called a marquise. You can draw lots of things with this shape—a leaf, a football, a palm tree, and much more. What else can you think of drawing with this shape? Let your imagination soar!


draw an eye and leaf with an easy shape

how to draw an eye and a leaf

Draw a Dog and a Wizard with Triangles!

Draw a Dog and a Wizard with Triangles!

Hey Peewees, if you can draw a triangle, you can draw a dog, a wizard, and much more! A triangle has three sides. Practice drawing a triangle before you begin—it’ll make creating fun stuff easier.

How about answering a triangular question? Name three (3) things you like about yourself!



draw a dog and wizard with triangles in easy steps

how to draw a dog and wizard with triangles

Draw Easy Teddy Bears & Caterpillars with Circles!

Draw Easy Teddy Bears & Caterpillars with Circles!

If you can draw a circle, Peewees, the magic of drawing is at your fingertips. Your circles do not have to be perfect. Never worry about that. Your drawings are unique and special, and should look like yours and not someone else’s.

First, practice drawing circles. Take your time—there’s no need to hurry because this is fun time, not a race! Then follow the steps below for a caterpillar and a teddy bear. See how many other things you can think of to draw using circles!



draw a teddy bear and a caterpillar with circles

how to draw with circles